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Our Out-of-Hospital Birth Details Class is a customized class you won’t find anywhere but South Coast Midwifery! Over years of attending out of hospital births, we have determined this class to be invaluable in answering any questions you might have as you count down to birth– and many questions you didn’t know you had! In addition, many families are able to confirm where they feel most comfortable birthing after attending this class.

In the one-night class we will cover important topics such as:
Carefully selecting your support people at your labor and birth: Not just anyone should be invited to such an important day.
Children at labor and birth: Ensuring their comfort while mom gives birth.
Preparing your supplies: From the birth pool to pots to the video camera.
Preparing your home: From the bathroom to the kitchen to the bedroom and everywhere in between.
Food and drink for Labor Day: Keeping yourself and the birth team energized for labor
When to call the midwife: Review of paging instructions and details of how the midwife makes her way to you
Rapid Childbirth: We cover all the bases just in case baby’s in a hurry!
Show and Tell: Your opportunity to see and handle most of our birth supplies and equipment
…and much, much more!

For all of our families who plan to birth at home or in the birth center, we require attendance at our Out-of-Hospital Birth Details Class by 35 weeks of pregnancy (recommended to be taken between 32-35 weeks).

Please note this is not a childbirth education class, it is in addition to the series of classes you will be taking from an independent childbirth teacher. Offered to SCM clients only.

In addition to attending this class, please review the following video detailing birth equipment and supplies. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JC7FPI42HIc

Please RSVP here: https://granolababies.com/south-coast-midwifery

Following registration you will receive ZOOM attendance details from the instructor